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3 months ago (E)
Charter of Vart:
- We are a nonprofit project.
- Our aim is to create free social media platform for people who love art.
- We seek funds only to maintain functionality of the service.
- We may display ads, but we won’t sell your data.
- We may ask for donations, but the service will always be free.
- Any remaining profits are meant to be distributed towards projects supporting art.
- Freedom of speech is essential for us, but with limits of democracy.
3 months ago

a few unwanted words
meant more then pain itself
we were falling all together
thought talking might help
i guess i was wrong
it only made it worst
the tears finally came
and we both just burst
a couple days that were unbearable
thought - how could i go on
those few hours we hadn't spoke
seemed like way to long
just when i thought we were over
that we'd finally reached the end
we both thought it over
and we still were best of friends
you promised no more fading
i promised to put you as one
but as a week or two went past
the hiding from each other again begun
you don't tell me anything
all i ever hear are those three words
as though everything will be okay
as long as they are heard
i don't tell you either
fear it won't be kept safe
that something else will begin
and all the love will turn to hate
i want to know whats wrong
just tell me and prove yourself true
and i promise if there's anything i need
i will always turn to you
no more hiding anything
no more creating pain
always there for each other
to keep each other sane
always will i love you
i never want to see you fade
just as long as you promise
never to throw what we have away
not over some guy
or something you think is love
because together thats what we have
thats what our friendships' of
you were the one who was there before
the greatest friend in the world
i love you always and forever

always ~ your baby girl

~*)()(baby girl)()(*~
3 months ago
Weakening Strength

I’m weak and tired,
shaky and damaged.
Why does strength make me
Why every time I stand strong
do I shake and inside,
turn meek?
Strength rips off my flesh
and tears my insides
so the timid, helpless child
can no longer hide—
No longer hide
the tears, the screams
the slashing, the gashing,
the moaning the pain,
the ashes, the crashes,
the rain, no gain.
Strength grabs me, it stabs me
and sets me afire;
it slaps me, it snaps me,
running me down
to the mud and the mire.
I walk proudly
as strength kills me from the
inside out.
I scream and shout
but my pain reaches not one ear
while I fall and shake,
cry and break;
yelling for something to save
for strength to stop raping me
and killing me
with every breath I take.
3 months ago

Glistening streams silently fall,
Upon broken shards of suffering.
The glass shards pierce my fragile mind,
And blood drips down my quavering hands.
My cries are so silent but shrill,
Yet no one detects my misery.
I beg and plead for someone’s help,
But they all ignore my eerie sobs.
Nothing but the rain touches me;
It can only wash the blood away;
I will always feel this damned pain.
But I will mask it with some façade.
Don’t worry about me right now,
These tears will dry and I’ll be okay.
It’s just another mental fight,
And it will all end soon enough.
3 months ago
Purple Terminology & Rainbow Clouds

Light winged smoke, the one to blame,
Creeping out from my minds clear flame.
Silvery surface of my imagination,
Fading to black, from all accusation.
I lay upon the midnights shadowy skirts,
Watching black moonbeams with the stars emberresed.
Heavenly leisure, waiting over the top,
But I keep falling, I cant seem to stop.
Purple terminology filling me instead,
Of red or yellow flowers buds, opening their heads.
Great waves from an ocean so blue,
I heed not this, buts its monsters, always true.
Whats left, in this world thats fake?
Just I, rusting with the mistakes.
Rainbow clouds of sweet lullaby,
Take me now, I'm ready to die.
3 months ago
After the Storm

It was a warm fall night,

And scattered around the ground were leaves,

As the wind blew the empty tree's gently in the breeze.

Whispers could be heard as wolves were howling steadily.

The moon was bright, the shadows were mysterious.

The laughter's slowly diminished as the fog rolled in.

The land grew dark, the shadows not as sharp,

But the waves kept moving peacefully -in and out.-

The tide was high, the moon was full but slightly hidden in this merely fog that had moved on shore.

Clouds slowly part as the stars can be seen, lighting the colours of the forest.

As our boat entered the harbour's lights, we knew we were finally home; safe and sound!

Our journey has come to an end on this warm fall night, so we thought...
3 months ago
Purple Terminology & Rainbow Clouds

Light winged smoke, the one to blame,
Creeping out from my minds clear flame.
Silvery surface of my imagination,
Fading to black, from all accusation.
I lay upon the midnights shadowy skirts,
Watching black moonbeams with the stars emberresed.
Heavenly leisure, waiting over the top,
But I keep falling, I cant seem to stop.
Purple terminology filling me instead,
Of red or yellow flowers buds, opening their heads.
Great waves from an ocean so blue,
I heed not this, buts its monsters, always true.
Whats left, in this world thats fake?
Just I, rusting with the mistakes.
Rainbow clouds of sweet lullaby,
Take me now, I'm ready to die.
3 months ago
If tomarow never comes

What if tomorrow never comes will we miss what we did yesterday how bout what we did last . if tomorrow never comes will we forget the things we did in the past , will we forget the ones we love . if tomorrow never comes what will happen with to day will our memories fade away out of those who we care so much about .

what will happen with the world as we know it should it crumble and fall beneath us if tomorrow never comes . Shall all we fought so hard to protect die without us if tomorrow never comes.will we still be happy when were dead will we still be around in some way shape or form if tomorrow never comes...........
3 months ago
One Way

My face dry and burnt from the afternoon sun,
Facing toward forever.
Behind me, a world of pain and anguish,
One step forward, a solution.

They yell from below,
But their voices are trivial.
They didn't care then,
They don't care now.
Slowly breathing,
There's no turning back.
I let myself fly,
The wind on my side,
And soar from the peak of despair.

Falling into an endless ocean of darkness,
Into the pain, that no one bothered to notice.
Ripping the air,
Like a knife plunged deep,
A blur out the window,
To those who would cynically glance.
A waste of skin,
A waste of time,
A waste of life.

3 months ago
Parting Ways (The Day The Music Died)

The last note still ringing in his ears, the night’s events still swirling around in his head, he walks out of the door into the warm evening air.  The entire atmosphere is one of joyous sadness.  Emotions course through the air, giving it some sort of charge.  The next morning shall be the last exchange of the drink of the fruit of passion, and yet the solemn first for him.  Later tomorrow he knows, they all know, that they must part ways.  They must all leave their oasis of comfort and security to dive again into the vast sea of reality, of conformity.  Yet still they cherish it, hold on to it.  Even in the last moments of such a magical night, they open their minds, their hearts, open their souls to each other and learn to love that which is there in what others have exposed.  The chants of “…MORE, MORE, MORE, MORE” truly resound in not only everyone’s thoughts but in their utmost desires.  

Late that night, lying in that same old bed for the last time, gazing up at the concrete ceiling.  Finally, his thoughts allowed to sit and slowly filter out.  Shock, insubordinate yet knowingly unjust anger.  A few muttered words from the other side of the room, a brief agreement of opinions. Then silence.  The hazy recollection of events over the past three weeks, the bittersweet insanity which so marked each and every day.  The mistakes made, the friendships formed, the battles lost and won.  And as all of this starts to settle down into a gentle murmur, he drifts off into sleep.

The next morning, torn from the warm embrace of his frail sheets, down to the circle, sips from the glass, toasts to a fallen comrade.  Soon enough the group all progressed to go through their daily routines one final time.  They returned to what they knew was the inevitable.

They were there, it was time to be rounded up and brought back to their respective lives.  Tears were shed, last goodbyes, every single one of them joined as one united being, as one entity separate from their single selves.  Each and every one of them will never leave the spot they were when they knew it was time they had to leave.  Those who knew they could never return let fall the rains of their misery.  Their true love for something so intangible yet so true and so real ripped apart their true selves and lovingly joined their true selves back together in an instant.

But, as inevitabilities go, by midday it was empty and silent.  Once could almost feel on the air all that had occurred there so few hours ago.  That evening, He finally lay in bed before sleep.  All were dispersed from that place they cherished so dear, back in the true world but thinking of naught but what they had left behind.

And all at once, without warning, from places near and far came the sound of 300 voices:  “This will be the day that I die…”
3 months ago
Tragic Ending

The light at the end of went out too soon
This kid wasn't meant to fall to his doom
Today the school is mourning his death
Crying in the halls, not able to rest
These kids really loved him
He wasn't meant to die so soon

Six more months until his graduation
An empty chair, and hearts left with questions
Tears and memory's in behalf of his blessings
This schools never going to be the same
He came so fast and left too soon
These kids really loved him

Standing in the halls they reminisce
All the good things about him they'll always miss
He's the only kid in school who spun a binder on his finger
Carried a boom box when skiing down the hill
Something I think about to this day still
Yet I can't seem to understand what was going through his head
I came to school, finding out this kid he was dead
A tragic ending to an unfinished story
3 months ago
Why am I still waiting?

I sit on my bed staring at the clock,
Where are you?
It then strikes half past two,
when will you call?
three o'clock and you still haven't called,
Why am I still waiting?
I've sat here since one pm or earlier,
I'm sick of these games you play.
Tampering with my trust in you and making me feel not wanted,
I'm done with this.
But if I'm sick of all this then why do I stick around?
I love you.
You finally call at pm and I'm ready to let you go,
But I want to know where you were.
So where were you while I waited around for you?
You then say you just forgot.
I think about it all while I listen to Numb by Linkin Park
Which reminds me a little of us.
A month passes and I hear from you yet again,
You want my heart to belong to you once more.
Stupid me let's myself fall back in love with you
I know it won't last forever.
I now feel for someone other than you and it is not fair.
So I say goodbye once again.
A couple weeks later, all I think about is you,
Please let me try one more time.
That is all I ask,
Just one date.
3 months ago
Tragic Ending

The light at the end of went out too soon
This kid wasn't meant to fall to his doom
Today the school is mourning his death
Crying in the halls, not able to rest
These kids really loved him
He wasn't meant to die so soon

Six more months until his graduation
An empty chair, and hearts left with questions
Tears and memory's in behalf of his blessings
This schools never going to be the same
He came so fast and left too soon
These kids really loved him

Standing in the halls they reminisce
All the good things about him they'll always miss
He's the only kid in school who spun a binder on his finger
Carried a boom box when skiing down the hill
Something I think about to this day still
Yet I can't seem to understand what was going through his head
I came to school, finding out this kid he was dead
A tragic ending to an unfinished story
3 months ago
Follow The Map

I'll run away when I'm 17
My future, I've already seen
I see you and some grief
Lets grow old on the western coast
You is what I've always needed most
These times have got the best of you

CHORUS: I've grown so cold
Goodbye to pain, goodbye to love
I've lost all the feeling
This sea-salt air has overtaken my soul
Let it overtake you too

I've won all the wars that I need
And kept promises that I could keep
So this time, I have to leave
I'm dreaming, I can't fall asleep
My minds on fire
I lay restless, and tired
Have you ever imagined a new life
It's your choice, you have a second time
I hope you think more then just twice


All of this is left unreal
Written down as a failure I feel
I made my move, I went in for the kill
I'm left bloody, and wide-open
My tears are leaving my eyes out of focus
We could live life the way we want
Goodbye, I'm sorry I've been so blunt


I'll run away when I'm 17
I'll leave you when I'm 17

3 months ago

15 years old and trying to get,
How to grow up,
Without throwing a fit,
My classes are hard,
I feel so scared,
Having to do homework, chores, and more,
But wanting to watch cartoons like I did before,
Needing some comfort,
While standing up tall,
And just praying not to fall,
I'm not grown up yet,
But sometimes, that I forget,
Having to act responsible,
Yet feeling so reckless,
Confused and worried,
Confident and secure,
Trying to grow up,
Yet trying to be pure.
3 months ago
One Way

My face dry and burnt from the afternoon sun,
Facing toward forever.
Behind me, a world of pain and anguish,
One step forward, a solution.

They yell from below,
But their voices are trivial.
They didn't care then,
They don't care now.
Slowly breathing,
There's no turning back.
I let myself fly,
The wind on my side,
And soar from the peak of despair.

Falling into an endless ocean of darkness,
Into the pain, that no one bothered to notice.
Ripping the air,
Like a knife plunged deep,
A blur out the window,
To those who would cynically glance.
A waste of skin,
A waste of time,
A waste of life.

3 months ago

15 years old and trying to get,
How to grow up,
Without throwing a fit,
My classes are hard,
I feel so scared,
Having to do homework, chores, and more,
But wanting to watch cartoons like I did before,
Needing some comfort,
While standing up tall,
And just praying not to fall,
I'm not grown up yet,
But sometimes, that I forget,
Having to act responsible,
Yet feeling so reckless,
Confused and worried,
Confident and secure,
Trying to grow up,
Yet trying to be pure.
Art Ideas
3 months ago
Naming a recession

Recessions are really "depressions," but the term "depression" seems too terrifying. After the Great Depression, economists began to use the word "recession" instead.

The 2007-09 recession involved a financial crisis, high unemployment, and falling prices, and was named the Great Recession. Our current recession is still without a name.

3 months ago

a few unwanted words
meant more then pain itself
we were falling all together
thought talking might help
i guess i was wrong
it only made it worst
the tears finally came
and we both just burst
a couple days that were unbearable
thought - how could i go on
those few hours we hadn't spoke
seemed like way to long
just when i thought we were over
that we'd finally reached the end
we both thought it over
and we still were best of friends
you promised no more fading
i promised to put you as one
but as a week or two went past
the hiding from each other again begun
you don't tell me anything
all i ever hear are those three words
as though everything will be okay
as long as they are heard
i don't tell you either
fear it won't be kept safe
that something else will begin
and all the love will turn to hate
i want to know whats wrong
just tell me and prove yourself true
and i promise if there's anything i need
i will always turn to you
no more hiding anything
no more creating pain
always there for each other
to keep each other sane
always will i love you
i never want to see you fade
just as long as you promise
never to throw what we have away
not over some guy
or something you think is love
because together thats what we have
thats what our friendships' of
you were the one who was there before
the greatest friend in the world
i love you always and forever

always ~ your baby girl

~*)()(baby girl)()(*~
3 months ago
One Way

My face dry and burnt from the afternoon sun,
Facing toward forever.
Behind me, a world of pain and anguish,
One step forward, a solution.

They yell from below,
But their voices are trivial.
They didn't care then,
They don't care now.
Slowly breathing,
There's no turning back.
I let myself fly,
The wind on my side,
And soar from the peak of despair.

Falling into an endless ocean of darkness,
Into the pain, that no one bothered to notice.
Ripping the air,
Like a knife plunged deep,
A blur out the window,
To those who would cynically glance.
A waste of skin,
A waste of time,
A waste of life.

3 months ago
On this week’s Popcast, a conversation about Kendrick Lamar’s long wrestle with saviorhood, how his new album showcases both his loosest and stiffest tendencies, and the ways in which Drake is still grappling with the fallout of their battle. https://t.co/OqL2jxDsPq
3 months ago
“Yep, Thanksgiving is just hours away. Right now, people are looking at the turkeys left in the grocery store, like, ‘What’s wrong with you?’” — JIMMY FALLON https://t.co/Suh0LIcH9I
3 months ago
Purple Terminology & Rainbow Clouds

Light winged smoke, the one to blame,
Creeping out from my minds clear flame.
Silvery surface of my imagination,
Fading to black, from all accusation.
I lay upon the midnights shadowy skirts,
Watching black moonbeams with the stars emberresed.
Heavenly leisure, waiting over the top,
But I keep falling, I cant seem to stop.
Purple terminology filling me instead,
Of red or yellow flowers buds, opening their heads.
Great waves from an ocean so blue,
I heed not this, buts its monsters, always true.
Whats left, in this world thats fake?
Just I, rusting with the mistakes.
Rainbow clouds of sweet lullaby,
Take me now, I'm ready to die.
3 months ago
If tomarow never comes

What if tomorrow never comes will we miss what we did yesterday how bout what we did last . if tomorrow never comes will we forget the things we did in the past , will we forget the ones we love . if tomorrow never comes what will happen with to day will our memories fade away out of those who we care so much about .

what will happen with the world as we know it should it crumble and fall beneath us if tomorrow never comes . Shall all we fought so hard to protect die without us if tomorrow never comes.will we still be happy when were dead will we still be around in some way shape or form if tomorrow never comes...........
3 months ago

a few unwanted words
meant more then pain itself
we were falling all together
thought talking might help
i guess i was wrong
it only made it worst
the tears finally came
and we both just burst
a couple days that were unbearable
thought - how could i go on
those few hours we hadn't spoke
seemed like way to long
just when i thought we were over
that we'd finally reached the end
we both thought it over
and we still were best of friends
you promised no more fading
i promised to put you as one
but as a week or two went past
the hiding from each other again begun
you don't tell me anything
all i ever hear are those three words
as though everything will be okay
as long as they are heard
i don't tell you either
fear it won't be kept safe
that something else will begin
and all the love will turn to hate
i want to know whats wrong
just tell me and prove yourself true
and i promise if there's anything i need
i will always turn to you
no more hiding anything
no more creating pain
always there for each other
to keep each other sane
always will i love you
i never want to see you fade
just as long as you promise
never to throw what we have away
not over some guy
or something you think is love
because together thats what we have
thats what our friendships' of
you were the one who was there before
the greatest friend in the world
i love you always and forever

always ~ your baby girl

~*)()(baby girl)()(*~
3 months ago
Weakening Strength

I’m weak and tired,
shaky and damaged.
Why does strength make me
Why every time I stand strong
do I shake and inside,
turn meek?
Strength rips off my flesh
and tears my insides
so the timid, helpless child
can no longer hide—
No longer hide
the tears, the screams
the slashing, the gashing,
the moaning the pain,
the ashes, the crashes,
the rain, no gain.
Strength grabs me, it stabs me
and sets me afire;
it slaps me, it snaps me,
running me down
to the mud and the mire.
I walk proudly
as strength kills me from the
inside out.
I scream and shout
but my pain reaches not one ear
while I fall and shake,
cry and break;
yelling for something to save
for strength to stop raping me
and killing me
with every breath I take.
3 months ago
“Apparently, Trump’s tariffs on Mexico will cause the price of Modelo and Corona beer to go up. Every MAGA supporter heard and was like, ‘Well, guess it’s time to forgive Bud Light.’” — Jimmy Fallon said of the president-elect’s economic plans. https://t.co/PEt1H7WKhX
3 months ago
After the Storm

It was a warm fall night,

And scattered around the ground were leaves,

As the wind blew the empty tree's gently in the breeze.

Whispers could be heard as wolves were howling steadily.

The moon was bright, the shadows were mysterious.

The laughter's slowly diminished as the fog rolled in.

The land grew dark, the shadows not as sharp,

But the waves kept moving peacefully -in and out.-

The tide was high, the moon was full but slightly hidden in this merely fog that had moved on shore.

Clouds slowly part as the stars can be seen, lighting the colours of the forest.

As our boat entered the harbour's lights, we knew we were finally home; safe and sound!

Our journey has come to an end on this warm fall night, so we thought...
3 months ago

15 years old and trying to get,
How to grow up,
Without throwing a fit,
My classes are hard,
I feel so scared,
Having to do homework, chores, and more,
But wanting to watch cartoons like I did before,
Needing some comfort,
While standing up tall,
And just praying not to fall,
I'm not grown up yet,
But sometimes, that I forget,
Having to act responsible,
Yet feeling so reckless,
Confused and worried,
Confident and secure,
Trying to grow up,
Yet trying to be pure.
3 months ago
That Is All

That is all.
Not even a call
That is all
Didn't even feel
The fall
That is all.
3 months ago
My Own Broken Mirror

It’s my perfect distortion
My face mirrored, and split by emotion
Toyed with and tainted as I move
From one to another, I fit to the grooves

Of the loose ends of sharpness that gather to unite
To be perfectly fitted
And renewed to the mirrored spite
Unnoticeably broken
But brittle and rough
Stand from afar, and admire the muffs

Help with the pane
Move to uncertainty
Lure the cheery light
And cure my fearful fright.

It’s my perfect distortion
That I recognize so well
But help me see
What the others see but tell.
Are the pieces lost?
Slipped through the cracks?
Fallen through to the dangerous high acts?
I’ll never know of my pieces that are missing.
Mold the old to fit the space
Kiss the glass, even of bad taste

Forever, but never made
To be new
Just molded and distorted
To create a familiar you

Of mirrored light, broken,
But Forever Bright.
Please stay with the brittle pane
Until the sun goes down
And pain fades
And new lights of distorted beauty
Reign again

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