Art Ideas
3 months ago

Some rules keep being added and extended so that our individual liberty is increasingly reduced. Regulations on drug discovery can be so onerous that a potentially valuable medicine is rejected.

It is best to always know why you are following a rule. 

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Concerns raised

These cartoons may seem like harmless entertainment, but some researchers have raised concerns about the underlying lessons in Disney's films.

The most common criticism is the gender, racial and cultural stereotypes.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
10. Don’t flip over a cooked fish.

In some coastal regions of China, it is bad luck to flip over a cooked fish, as many believe this will lead to a ship capsizing. Instead, many families will use chopsticks to pick the meat from the bottom of the fish when they are finished with the top.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Be Selective

Try to keep in your closet only pieces that you love and are truly excited to wear. Anything ill-fitting, scratchy, worn-out, barely "good enough, " or that simply doesn't suit your personal style can be discarded.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Passing Time
  • “Such things that disappear in time we find ourselves longing to see again. We search for them in close-up, as we search for our hands in a dream.” - Patti Smith
  • “How is it that we never completely comprehend our love for someone until they’re gone.” - Patti Smith
  • “Why is it that we lost the things we love, and things cavalier cling to us and will be the measure of our worth after we’re gone.” - Patti Smith
Art Ideas
3 months ago
Spending time with loved ones

Spending quality time with the people we love is one of the easiest routes to happiness.

Danes are really good at making time for friends and family, with regular meals or time scheduled in together. It all stems back to the days when gathering food and wood were a crucial part of surviving the Danish winter. You had to help out neighbours, your family and friends to survive.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Best motivation quotes in English

 Don't think so much... about life, the one who has given life... he must have thought something too!

 Do not think about what has happened, do not lose it when you have got it, they achieve success…. Those who don't cry on time and circumstances!!

 If there are difficulties in the journey, then the courage grows even more... if someone stops the way,

 So the anger grows more…. If you come on sale, then the power decreases often…

Art Ideas
3 months ago
  • Use “make” when talking about building, producing, constructing, creating a physical object: E.g.: “I made a cup of tea
  • To indicate the components that are used to make something or the origin of a product: E.g.: “implants are made of titanium, and “This car is made in France
  • It's common to use “make” when talking about money: E.g.: “We made a deal”, or “With the price of oil increasing, oil companies are making money
  • Make can also be used to express a feeling or reaction: E.g.: “She made him happy
Art Ideas
3 months ago
Raw Data

For an artefact to qualify as a primary source, it has to be created during the event or experience at a particular time in history and record the data from that time. Data from primary sources may be raw, biased and subjective.

Also called original sources, it is often an unreliable source of information due to distortion, selective recall, and selective omission.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
How new emoji get picked

New updates to the range of emoji are decided by the Unicode Emoji Subcommittee, which regularly reviews proposals from the public.

  • They see if the image will work at a small scale.
  • How well it expresses the symbol, mood, or item, it is designed to show.
  • How likely a multitude of people will use that emoji.
Art Ideas
3 months ago
Welcome criticism

Companies often feel great if their communities continue to say nice things and buy their products, but if the community says anything negative, the company will retract their community efforts.

This is not good for a long-term relationship. However, if a company welcomes or celebrates criticism, it will cause stronger bonds to form with its community.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
The Language Everyone Uses Is Weird

The English language is a universal tool for communication and is mastered even by non-native speakers. The many inconsistencies, quirks and complexities found in English can be confusing and highly frustrating for millions, both in verbal and written formats.

Other languages like French may have complexities like silent letters or certain complex rules, but nothing beats the English language, where letters, combination of letters and pronunciations follow hundreds of different rules and contradictory spellings.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Don't argue politics with strangers

Talk with your friends, sure, but if you want to increase your enjoyment of the Internet and life in general, steer clear of debating politics with strangers.

It's far too easy to make negative assumptions about a stranger's character or motivation.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Wabi-Sabi Overview

Wabi-sabi is an elegant philosophy that denotes a more connected way of living—a lifestyle, where we are deeply connected to nature, and thus, better connected to our truest inner-selves.

Wabi-sabi is a concept that motions us to constantly search for the beauty in imperfection and accept the more natural cycle of life. It reminds us that all things including us and life itself, are impermanent, incomplete, and imperfect. Perfection, then, is impossible and impermanence is the only way.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Tiny houses and eco-friendliness

Some of the appealing qualities of living in tiny houses are related to environmental concerns and eco-friendliness. Homeowners of a tiny house feel they are making a positive contribution to the world because it leaves a lighter carbon footprint.

With limited space, it can also be part of living a simpler life with a dramatic downsizing of clothing, housewares, furniture, and other possessions. It is less to clean and maintain and has lower housing payments and utility bills.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Hip Hop culture and values

Hip Hop culture and rap have been associated with negative connotations, equating them with profanity, misogyny, violence and crime.

The lyrical content of hip hop is confronting and often includes the glorification of violence, substance use, and gender discrimination. But, at its core, it is built on values of social justice, peace, respect, self-worth, community, and having fun. Because of these values, it's used as a therapeutic tool with younger people.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
8. Rishi Kapila

Kapila was a Vedic sage who lived around the 6th century BCE and is considered a founder of Samkhya, the oldest of the six orthodox schools of Indian philosophy, or darshans. His name comes from the Sanskrit meaning “reddish brown” and is translated as “the red one.”

Kapila is considered an incarnation of Vishnu who came to earth to restore spiritual order. He is also known for teaching Bhakti yoga, the spiritual path of liberation or enlightenment.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Your unguarded thoughts can harm you

Teach your children Cognitive Behaviour Therapy so they can learn to recognize and moderate the hallmarks of emotional and motivated reasoning.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
The mentor's role in humanity

A mentor is a wise older person every hero regularly sees in good stories, such as Gandalf from the Lord of the Rings, Yoda from Star Trek, or Alfred from Batman.

The mentor represents a bond between parent and child, teacher and student, god and man. The mentor is there to help the hero to face the unknown future and to accept adventure.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
The Purpose Of Education

Education is more than just an organized system of learning. Education should expand our consciousness, capabilities, sensitivities, and cultural understanding. It should enlarge our worldview. As we all live in two worlds—the world within you that exists only because you do, and the world around you—the core purpose of education is to enable students to understand both worlds.

In today’s climate, there is also a new and urgent challenge: to provide forms of education that engage young people with the global-economic issues of environmental well-being.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
We Forget What It Is Like

The natural ease with which they drink from the same river all that untreated sewerage flows into..WOW!

The main concern appears to be Malaria. When I explained what the provision of a purified and heavily restricted water supply to every home entails, they have no concept of such a huge process for their health. The belief is eating vegetables will protect them.

The Dutch created cash crops from their farmland so food would be imported even for a regular number of inhabitants.

Globally in the recent year the death toll from tainted water sources is topping 3,000,000. That's never OK.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Embracing small and indulgent pleasures

The Danish philosophy seems to be that if you genuinely enjoy eating something, then you can delight in cakes, cookies, cheese, coffee, and so on. The idea here is that life is about enjoying pleasures, and not feeling without or restricted.

In many other cultures, mindful eating isn't practiced as often as it should be, and instant gratification results in consuming without enjoyment. The hygge philosophy is to celebrate indulgent treats, to share them, and experience them slowly. Savor the moment. And don't rush what you're putting into your body.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
The corner shop setting

The corner shop is also a cornerstone of pop culture: The cosy setting of a corner shop is often part of soap operas, sitcoms and movies as the centre spot for gossip.

The corner shop also shows the vital role of immigrant shopkeepers. TV newsreader Babita Sharma's book, The Corner Shop, is a real account of her own British Asian family owning and running a Reading shop.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Art Ideas
3 months ago
The 2 Types of Privilege

The two types of privilege are: individual and institutional.

Institutional privilege refers to all the advantages of Whiteness that are inherited through baked-in foundational forces and their impact on political, economic, legal, and social structures, policies, and practices. 

Individual privilege is what individuals obtain for themselves, often called "achieved" status.

Institutional privilege is tied to individual privilege because a lack of the former constrains or restricts the latter.

The only group of people who have full privilege is the group of high-class Whites.

Art Ideas
3 months ago
Assess Your Chart And Reach Out To People That Matters
  • Looking at the gaps on the chart, you might realize that you have plenty of people you have fun with, but no one to confide in.
  • Or maybe you only have one person you go to for help, or that a person you take for granted actually makes you feel safe and secure.
  • Don’t be afraid to reach out to the people in your life. Whether it’s a thoughtful question or a moment of devoted attention, it’s never too late to deepen the connections that matter to you.
Art Ideas
3 months ago
Conformity And Religion

If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences.

- H. P. Lovecraft

Art Ideas
3 months ago
The Paradox of Choice

We assume that more choice is a good thing, but research has shown that more options lead to less happiness with whatever option is selected.

In a world of abundance, what we truly crave is scarcity.

Art Ideas
3 months ago

Everyone has become unreal with each other because they are afraid of people's feelings towards their realness; we don't admit the truth any more because we are afraid of going against social media and celebrities.... sincerely, honesty might become illegal, not by law may be, but by custom.

Art Ideas
3 months ago

Does the painting seem to be a particular style? There are many terms for different styles throughout the history of art, and knowing these descriptors can leave instant impressions.

  • Realism, photorealism
  • Cubism, surrealism
  • Impressionism
  • Modernism, expressionism
  • Chinese, Japanese, or Indian style
  • Plein air