, genre: landscape, style: Romanticism, location: United States, gallery name: Private Collection, completition: 1917.
https://uploads1.wikiart.org/00329/images/thomas-moran/thomas-moran-conway-castle-1.jpg, genre: portrait, style: Surrealism, tags: female-portraits, completition: 1961.
https://uploads8.wikiart.org/images/pablo-picasso/woman-with-yellow-hat-jacqueline.jpgFast and Slow do more than just describe a rate of change.
Fast is busy, controlling, aggressive, hurried, analytical, stressed, superficial, impatient and jumpy.
Slow is the opposite: calm, careful, receptive, still, intuitive, unhurried, patient, reflective, quality-over-quantity. It is about making real and meaningful connections—with people, culture, work, food, everything.
The paradox is that Slow does not always mean slow. As we shall see, performing a task in a Slow manner often yields faster results. It is also possible to do things quickly while maintaining a Slow frame of mind.
Nobody knows the pain
you feel...
Nobody knows the way
it hurts...
It leaves no scar
they can see...
Nobody knows how much
you wish it away...
And nobody know how
it just grows and grows...
And nobody knows what it is
that you know...
Cause nobody knows the pain
The Interview: Harminder Judge
“Everything that exists has existed as matter since forever, and will continue existing as matter forever”.
https://t.co/pgEGZQoodCI sit on my bed staring at the clock,
Where are you?
It then strikes half past two,
when will you call?
three o'clock and you still haven't called,
Why am I still waiting?
I've sat here since one pm or earlier,
I'm sick of these games you play.
Tampering with my trust in you and making me feel not wanted,
I'm done with this.
But if I'm sick of all this then why do I stick around?
I love you.
You finally call at pm and I'm ready to let you go,
But I want to know where you were.
So where were you while I waited around for you?
You then say you just forgot.
I think about it all while I listen to Numb by Linkin Park
Which reminds me a little of us.
A month passes and I hear from you yet again,
You want my heart to belong to you once more.
Stupid me let's myself fall back in love with you
I know it won't last forever.
I now feel for someone other than you and it is not fair.
So I say goodbye once again.
A couple weeks later, all I think about is you,
Please let me try one more time.
That is all I ask,
Just one date.