, genre: portrait, style: Romanticism, period: Impressionist period, gallery name: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, tags: Gentleman, completition: 1871.
https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/portrait-of-gustave-boyer.jpgSparta was the first known functioning democracy. This was 150 years before the introduction of democracy in Athens.
They were a thinly populated state but they were greatly celebrated and was one of the most powerful cities.
The Spartan Constitution was written by Xenophon, a foreign dweller into the land of Sparta. Without his work, we wouldn't have any accounts on how the Spartan life became.
Celebrating the Art Movement That Wasn’t
“Harmony & Dissonance” is a nervy, mood-lifting, masterpiece-studded show that offers an in-depth look at Orphism, which is famous for being unknown.
https://t.co/hquTqcjntyThe Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot-cold, good-bad, inside-outside.
Nature :
- There are a right and a left side to your body and a front and back.
- Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
- Everything has an opposite that is equal.
- Understanding the Law of Polarity helps you see both sides of a person, situation, or circumstance.
- You’ll be aware that it’s your thoughts and choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you desire.