Why can't you just leave me alone
Just stay out of my life, it's too hard w/ you here
I have somebody else now
Somebody I can actually hold near
Do I want you back?
Why ask a question you already know
I still love you with everything I have
I don't think I will ever be able to let you go
Sometimes I can't hold back the memories of you
Remembering what you do makes me cry
I'd give anything to have you here
Forgetting your face makes me want to die
I've never had anything as good as you
But with all good comes bad
I will never have anyone love me like you
I wish we still had what we had
You want me back and you make it sound so easy
Break up with him and it'll be like it used to be?
If only I knew you could make your words come true
I'd do anything if you could just make me see
Don't hurt me anymore, I can't do it
It's not as easy as it sounds, you're killing me
I'm going to hurt regardless
Just leave me alone, and let things be
I'll love you forever, you know I will
If only I knew your love was the same
One more tear over you will leave me dry
If only I were up for the game
, genre: abstract, style: Tachisme, completition: 1946.
https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/huguette-arthur-bertrand/obliquement-et-a-travers-1946.jpgwhite heart shaped paper cut out
"The love of Jesus will give you an ever-clearer vision of your call as well as of the many attempts to pull you away from that call. The more you are called to speak for God’s love, the more you will need to deepen the knowledge of that love in your own heart. The farther the outward journey takes you, the deeper the inward journey must be. Only when your roots are deep can your fruits be abundant. The enemy is there, waiting to destroy you, but you can face the enemy without fear when you know that you are held safe in the love of Jesus." -Henri Nouwen, The Inner Voice of Love
Societies of the past and present are just complex systems comprising of people and technology.
Although we have better technologies, we are not immune to the threats that faced our ancestors. If anything, our technological abilities bring more challenges. Our globalized economic system may be more likely to cause a crisis to spread.
green plants on gray concrete pathway