Learn more about significant luminaries soon on view, from pioneering Brazilian sculptor Lygia Clark to famed German painter Gerhard Richter: https://t.co/CmOjHRdgAf https://t.co/4Jzx074kek
In traditional markets, firms make goods to satisfy the preferences of consumers. But the market on social media and the internet exists to serve the needs of the advertisers, not the consumers. These markets sell information about their users to advertisers.
On social media, users"pay" for free services by giving up their data to unspecified third parties who use it to expose them to tailored ads. This economic model is driving online platforms to exploit their users' cognitive limitations and vulnerabilities.
a woman standing on top of a lush green hillside
, genre: genre painting, style: Impressionism, gallery name: National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC, US, tags: female-portraits, gardens-and-parks, children portraits, Lady, completition: 1878.
https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/eva-gonzales/nanny-with-a-child.jpgTalks & Tours - London Art Fair 2025
Explore the London Art Fair 2025 programme of free-to-attend talks, expert-guided tours, performances and interactive demonstrations.
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