a snow covered hill with a small cabin on top of it
The two types of privilege are: individual and institutional.
Institutional privilege refers to all the advantages of Whiteness that are inherited through baked-in foundational forces and their impact on political, economic, legal, and social structures, policies, and practices.
Individual privilege is what individuals obtain for themselves, often called "achieved" status.
Institutional privilege is tied to individual privilege because a lack of the former constrains or restricts the latter.
The only group of people who have full privilege is the group of high-class Whites.
It was the ride of a lifetime
That turned around so much
Here off to leave the place we slept
To fight the world and such
We left everything but the sky
In our hearts it stayed tight
By love it stood alone that time
To us it only felt right
The tire blew up before some time
The distance fell short that day
Under the stars’ night we thought that
We had not picked a way
Together we ran forever to stay
And to be with each other
Every city had a small town
All towns looked like another
The road kept us bumping around
Holding on for our love
The way got rough and hard and tough
Hardly with heads above
The road came to a stopping point
Waiting for life to live
Our place is here the time is now
To stop running from time
#WatsonLibrary recently acquired an important Japanese print portfolio, "A Collection of Ten Print Albums Windowing Texts."
Learn more about the portfolio and explore the ingenuity and resilience of artists crafting
I have discovered that there is something that happens at INFINITY. And that is where numeracy begins again and again.
grayscale photo of woman in black coat smiling
a view of a mountain range from a distance