, genre: flower painting, style: Impressionism, gallery name: Private Collection, tags: Garden roses, Still life photography, Rose, Flower, Plant, Rose family.
https://uploads8.wikiart.org/images/pierre-auguste-renoir/vase-of-roses-1.jpgIn April 1866, the U.S. Congress passed a law prohibiting currency notes to have a portrait or likeness of any living person, due to some members not agreeing with the five-cent note having the portrait of Spencer Clark.
Till now, U.S. law prohibits any portrait of likeness on its notes of people who are still alive, with even commemorative coins honoring past presidents being issued only after two years of the president's death.
white and red labeled poster
, genre: portrait, style: Ukiyo-e, gallery name: Private Collection, tags: group-portraits, Graphic design, completition: 1840.
https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/utagawa-kuniyoshi/tokiwa-gozen-with-her-three-children-in-the-snow.jpgFind the perfect gift for anyone – including yourself – at one of the three shop locations just inside the Miami Beach Convention Center.
No ticket required to shop! https://t.co/oWwSdtyctJ
, genre: flower painting, style: Abstract Expressionism, Ink and wash painting, tags: Plant, Flower, completition: 1978.
https://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/huang-yongyu/flower-1978.jpgIt is not just woman's responsibility to
- clean the house
- Wash utensils
- Wash clothes
a man can do it too.
https://t.co/j3fSbNs976 https://t.co/nWj26Vx3Hs
https://t.co/Zme3xmtTYb https://t.co/OH7TWFdkXT
Out of these eight instruments, Bhaskara was fond of Phalak yantra, which he made with skill and efforts.
He argued that „ this yantra will be extremely useful to astronomers to calculate accurate time and understand many astronomical phenomena‟.
Interestingly, Bhaskara ii also talks about astronomical information by using an ordinary stick. One can use the stick and its shadow to find the time to fix geographical north, south, east, and west. One can find the latitude of a place by measuring the minimum length of the shadow on the equinoctial days or pointing the stick towards the North Pole
Chest enclosed
heart about to explode
please don't leave again
you've already left
I know it's not the way I think of it
but I can't help but think of it that way
I know you care about me
so why are you so far?
Why does my heart want you so
knowing you are too soon to leave
knowing I will be left with tears
and memories once lived now gone.
Through the darkness of it all
it was worth it
you are worth the pain of seeing you leave
because at least I got to see you
Why does my heart whisper
your name into the wind,
when all it does is travel the other way?
Why do you torture me so
with words of brilliance
only to be left behind
with the hands of time?
architecture photography of white concrete building