, genre: portrait, style: Romanticism, period: Impressionist period, gallery name: National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Canada, tags: Gentleman, completition: 1871.
https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/paul-cezanne/portrait-of-gustave-boyer.jpgman in black jacket and black pants standing beside pink and yellow painted wall during daytime
Jean-Léon Gérôme and Orientalism Given Major Reappraisal in Doha
Jean-Léon Gérôme pioneered Orientalism in art in a way that can still be felt—and seen—today.
https://t.co/ZA6KZlbldQYunchan Lim Plays Chopin With the New York Philharmonic
Performing with the New York Philharmonic and Kazuki Yamada, Lim played Chopin’s F minor Concerto with imperturbable calm and eloquence.
https://t.co/8B5hIPnoc1They were the early adopters of the internet. Because few of their IRL (in real life) friends were online, these people needed to use “topic-based tools like Usenet, Internet Relay Chat (IRC), Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes), Multi-User Dungeons (MUDs), listservs, and forums” to reach out to strangers. Usenet was the most common, serving as an ancestor to Reddit and Google Groups
grayscale photo of womans face wall art