, genre: portrait, style: Expressionism, completition: 1957.
https://uploads3.wikiart.org/images/candido-portinari/menino-com-p-ssaro-1957.jpga bird sitting on top of a tree branch
man holding gray cooking pot near wall graffiti during daytime
You are my motivation to wake up
My motivation to breath
My motivation to life
Motivation to see
When our eyes meet I know its fate
You are my love, life, my soul mate
You flow through me like waves at the beach
I hope you are never out of reach
You are behind this pen writing beautiful rhymes
You are worthy of all of my time
This last line is true
My heart is and always belongs to you
Leading engineers of that time were more focused on visionary designs. The "visual boasting" was aimed to make an impression on prospective or actual employers. Many of Leonardo's most famous designs fall into this category, such as the "tank", designed to shoot across the battlefield.
Other famous designs have been misread. The "helicopter" or airscrew is a device of technological entertainment. The same applies to the spring-driven "car".
https://t.co/Zme3xmtTYb https://t.co/OH7TWFdkXT
When you know your life matches your values, it’s easier to let other people’s perceptions fall to the side.
The celebrated Cuban American artist on the city he calls home: https://t.co/VfVHBqFMUI https://t.co/Hanlg37WuW
Disney Enters the Stand-Up Comedy Arena, Hoping to Dent Netflix
Under the Hulu banner, the company says it will offer quality over quantity while largely avoiding controversy.
https://t.co/Bat0Hz9b7Vhttps://t.co/kaFFJ3hySm https://t.co/LJBniesQhj
Some things we do and we wonder why
We wish we could say why we did it
If you think about it you already know
You just don't want to admit it
You climb so high and wish to come down
When you're down you wish you were up
The worst feeling you could imagine
Wait till your down and you want back up
Pray to forget your life one more minute
It's all you need to get through the day
Kill yourself inside when you think
Wanting to be there all day
You're there and you wonder why
Why is this what you want
You're down and it kills you inside
And you realize it's all you want
Let me forget you, let me forget everything
I know its killing me, everything is
I hurt myself one way or the other
Right now, it doesn't matter what it is
Join us December 3 as visiting scholar Tawanda Mukwende to explore objects including Shona headrests from the Met collection and historical sites like Great Zimbabwe.
Learn more: https://t.co/3ruAFyoMiw