white heart shaped paper cut out
Some of the best books I have found are through recommendations. It’s either my bookworm friends or through podcasts of people I admire recommending a book that ends up on my shelf.
Although I refrain from pushing people to read books I have loved, but there are certain books that I can’t shut up about. They have helped me tremendously, and as my way of giving back to the authors, I have recommended some of these books over a hundred times.
, genre: portrait, style: Ukiyo-e, gallery name: Private Collection, tags: group-portraits, Graphic design, completition: 1840.
https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/utagawa-kuniyoshi/tokiwa-gozen-with-her-three-children-in-the-snow.jpgYou are my motivation to wake up
My motivation to breath
My motivation to life
Motivation to see
When our eyes meet I know its fate
You are my love, life, my soul mate
You flow through me like waves at the beach
I hope you are never out of reach
You are behind this pen writing beautiful rhymes
You are worthy of all of my time
This last line is true
My heart is and always belongs to you
Much of the fitness content we consume online is about achieving a certain body type. This can be motivating, but for others, this can lead to problems like eating disorders.
It is okay to admire someone else's physique and to be motivated by their social media accounts, but this becomes problematic when someone thinks there is only one acceptable body type.