3 months ago
🎨 Embracing the beauty of art in all its forms! From the delicate brushstrokes of a painting to the intricate details of a sculpture, every piece tells a unique story. Let’s celebrate creativity and the artists who inspire us to see the world in new ways! ✨ #ArtAppreciation #Creativity
3 months ago
Decline of mental health
A side effect of trying to help (personally, for me) was a panicky feeling, sleeplessness and even headaches at the stress of finding leads, seeing the quantity of requests for help, worrying about everyone that requested and so on. My heart was broken to realize that if I— a third person observer felt this way, what tension the patients and families of the infected were suffering through.
3 months ago
2. The Law of Polarity
The Law of Polarity decrees everything in the universe has its opposite: hot-cold, good-bad, inside-outside.
Nature :
- There are a right and a left side to your body and a front and back.
- Every up has a down, and every down has an up.
- Everything has an opposite that is equal.
- Understanding the Law of Polarity helps you see both sides of a person, situation, or circumstance.
- You’ll be aware that it’s your thoughts and choices, not your circumstances, that will create the life you desire.