, genre: portrait, style: Realism, completition: 1881.
https://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/albert-anker/h-ftbild-eines-m-dchens-marie-anker-1881.jpgDying on the toilet isn’t the most dignified way to go, and though Elizabethan poet and dramatist Sir Fulke Greville managed to avoid that fate, the toilet certainly played a part in his death. Greville’s disgruntled servant, Ralph Hayward, stabbed his master in the stomach while helping him fasten his trousers after using the toilet. Physicians filled his wounds with animal fat—but instead of healing the injury, the fat rotted over the next few weeks, and Greville died of gangrene on September 30, 1628. Maybe being quickly killed on the toilet would have been better.
The "prospect and refuge" theory may also explain the human attraction to cosiness.
It asserts that people have a preference for smaller cave-like places that open onto brighter views. The small area provides safety and refuge, while the expansive outdoors allows you to see any threats or opportunities.
grayscale photo of white and black wooden signage