The light at the end of went out too soon
This kid wasn't meant to fall to his doom
Today the school is mourning his death
Crying in the halls, not able to rest
These kids really loved him
He wasn't meant to die so soon
Six more months until his graduation
An empty chair, and hearts left with questions
Tears and memory's in behalf of his blessings
This schools never going to be the same
He came so fast and left too soon
These kids really loved him
Standing in the halls they reminisce
All the good things about him they'll always miss
He's the only kid in school who spun a binder on his finger
Carried a boom box when skiing down the hill
Something I think about to this day still
Yet I can't seem to understand what was going through his head
I came to school, finding out this kid he was dead
A tragic ending to an unfinished story
The Heirs of a Despised Draft Dodger Want His Wright Brothers Plane Back
The Franklin Institute has said a wealthy scion, long vilified for refusing to serve during World War I, gave them a treasured Wright-built plane. face dry and burnt from the afternoon sun,
Facing toward forever.
Behind me, a world of pain and anguish,
One step forward, a solution.
They yell from below,
But their voices are trivial.
They didn't care then,
They don't care now.
Slowly breathing,
There's no turning back.
I let myself fly,
The wind on my side,
And soar from the peak of despair.
Falling into an endless ocean of darkness,
Into the pain, that no one bothered to notice.
Ripping the air,
Like a knife plunged deep,
A blur out the window,
To those who would cynically glance.
A waste of skin,
A waste of time,
A waste of life.
For her homecoming exhibition, the artist dives deep into the Magic City’s surreal theatricality:
a few unwanted words
meant more then pain itself
we were falling all together
thought talking might help
i guess i was wrong
it only made it worst
the tears finally came
and we both just burst
a couple days that were unbearable
thought - how could i go on
those few hours we hadn't spoke
seemed like way to long
just when i thought we were over
that we'd finally reached the end
we both thought it over
and we still were best of friends
you promised no more fading
i promised to put you as one
but as a week or two went past
the hiding from each other again begun
you don't tell me anything
all i ever hear are those three words
as though everything will be okay
as long as they are heard
i don't tell you either
fear it won't be kept safe
that something else will begin
and all the love will turn to hate
i want to know whats wrong
just tell me and prove yourself true
and i promise if there's anything i need
i will always turn to you
no more hiding anything
no more creating pain
always there for each other
to keep each other sane
always will i love you
i never want to see you fade
just as long as you promise
never to throw what we have away
not over some guy
or something you think is love
because together thats what we have
thats what our friendships' of
you were the one who was there before
the greatest friend in the world
i love you always and forever
always ~ your baby girl
~*)()(baby girl)()(*~
What good the golden hoard, the noble fame
Of heroes or the praise of younger Man?
The hand of Death makes Man but a mere name
And none may linger longer than the span
Of years which fickle Fate allots.
We start to die when we begin to live.
The ages pass and we and all our kin
Are dead and those who died can only give
Scant recompense for all we did. Oh! What a sin
To live at all. Our whole life rots!
Is there a God who looks upon our toil?
Does He not watch our progress and approve
Our every act? Are we but soil
That lie beneath this Earth never to move?
Man dies when he is dead and ties the knots
Around him in the silent graveyard plots.
Hugh L.M.Wyles 2003

, genre: landscape, style: Luminism, tags: Sky, completition: 1860. the longest time I foud it difficult to explain the concept of usefulness and happiness. But when I recently ran into a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the dots connected.
Emerson says:
"The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well."
And I didn't get that before I became more conscious of what I'm doing with my life. And that always sounds heavy and all. But it's actually really simple.