Talk with your friends, sure, but if you want to increase your enjoyment of the Internet and life in general, steer clear of debating politics with strangers.
It's far too easy to make negative assumptions about a stranger's character or motivation.
i dont know anymore
wasn't this suppose to be home?
parents and their kids have issues
from yelling to hitting to leaving to drugs
well thats my life
always yelling, being hit, always leaving, on drugs to much
its not going to change
my life isn't worth much anymore
it never was actually...
i told my dad he's a fucking prick
his reaction...
he threw a glass ashtray at me
thats ok though;
being on all sorts of pills
no pain what so ever
my dad will get it back
all the stuff he's put me through
his time will come
i will not say though
it will just happen
for now
im packing up
and going home once again
but it wont change much
just wont have to put up with dad
everything else will be the same
Edmonia Lewis was the first professional African American sculptor, born in New York in 1843/45. Her father was a free African American and her mother a Chippewa Indian. From the beginning, she was determined to become a sculptor. With a minimum of training, exposure, and experience, Lewis began producing medallion portraits of known abolitionists. With sales of her portrait busts of abolitionist John Brown and Colonel Robert Gould Shaw, the Boston hero and white leader of the celebrated African American 54 Regiment of the Civil War, Lewis was able to finance her first trip to Europe in 1865.
Some of the best books I have found are through recommendations. It’s either my bookworm friends or through podcasts of people I admire recommending a book that ends up on my shelf.
Although I refrain from pushing people to read books I have loved, but there are certain books that I can’t shut up about. They have helped me tremendously, and as my way of giving back to the authors, I have recommended some of these books over a hundred times.
grayscale photo of womans face wall art