, genre: sculpture, style: Neoclassicism, tags: Stone carving, Classical sculpture, Statue, Head, Rock, Carving, completition: 1925.
https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/yannoulis-chalepas/st-haralambos-and-mercury-1925.jpg, genre: self-portrait, style: Neo-Expressionism, Street art, gallery name: Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art (MACBA), Barcelona, Spain, completition: 1986.
https://uploads1.wikiart.org/images/jean-michel-basquiat/self-portrait-1986.jpgRead more: https://t.co/8MmMsyAOIz
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Gezelligheid refers to a convivial, cozy, or warm atmosphere. This can be the warmth of being with loved ones or the feeling of seeing a friend after a long absence.
It is similar to the Danish concept of hyggelig and the German concept of gemütlichkeit.
It suggests a general togetherness that provides a feeling of warmth. Many consider it the word that most closely represents the heart of Dutch culture.