A normal person can tell you lots of factual information about his life, his work, his neighborhood, and his hobbies but very little about the FDA clinical trial process or the moon landing. But do you know who knows a ton about the moon landing? Crazy people who think it’s fake. They don’t have crank opinions because they are misinformed, they have tons and tons of moon-related factual information because they’re cranks.
It was a warm fall night,
And scattered around the ground were leaves,
As the wind blew the empty tree's gently in the breeze.
Whispers could be heard as wolves were howling steadily.
The moon was bright, the shadows were mysterious.
The laughter's slowly diminished as the fog rolled in.
The land grew dark, the shadows not as sharp,
But the waves kept moving peacefully -in and out.-
The tide was high, the moon was full but slightly hidden in this merely fog that had moved on shore.
Clouds slowly part as the stars can be seen, lighting the colours of the forest.
As our boat entered the harbour's lights, we knew we were finally home; safe and sound!
Our journey has come to an end on this warm fall night, so we thought...

, genre: landscape, style: Impressionism, period: Rejection of Impressionism, gallery name: Private Collection, tags: Normandy, cliffs-and-rocks, Natural landscape, Bank, Rural area, completition: 1885.
, genre: sketch and study, style: High Renaissance, location: Italy, gallery name: Louvre, Paris, France, tags: clothing-and-textile, Outerwear, completition: 1470.
https://uploads0.wikiart.org/images/leonardo-da-vinci/drapery-for-a-seated-figure-1.jpghttps://t.co/5RY2syrYIR https://t.co/KdgMfTqRJs
Racial microaggressions are subtle and often inadvertent messages sent to people of color by "well-intentioned" white people that are unaware of the hidden meanings sent to them. Basically, unconsciously acting with bias.
Microaggressions (e.g., a higher tendency to interrupt people of color who are speaking, ignoring input from people of color, or displaying cold or hostile nonverbal behaviors) manifest racism directly—so much so that some scholars and practitioners have begun using the term racial harassment, in place of microaggression, to convey the seriousness of their impact.