Send me back to the cave!
I am tired of the people here!
I want to go home and
I want to snuggle up to my
Big strong bear
In my own little world...
My cave.
A normal person can tell you lots of factual information about his life, his work, his neighborhood, and his hobbies but very little about the FDA clinical trial process or the moon landing. But do you know who knows a ton about the moon landing? Crazy people who think it’s fake. They don’t have crank opinions because they are misinformed, they have tons and tons of moon-related factual information because they’re cranks.
Back in 1728, Caleb Phillips advertised his teachings on a new shorthand method in the Boston Gazette. The lessons would be delivered by mail every week.
In the 1840s, Sir Isaac Pitman also offered shorthand by mail. However, his students would send him a postcard with their efforts, and he would correct and send it back to them. Thus, the Phonographic Correspondence Society was born to formalise the courses. In turn, it led to colleges, and by 1873, the first correspondence school was opened.
Jim Abrahams, 80, Dies; a Mastermind of ‘Airplane!’ and ‘Naked Gun’
Along with his fellow filmmakers David and Jerry Zucker, he revolutionized film comedy with a straight-faced, fast-paced style of parody.