Technology is making the world smaller and bringing individuals closer together. From the ancient “thou art that” to the contemporary idea of crowdsourcing, these connections drive art, wisdom, commerce, and even a new human understanding around politics and world peace.
Our collective engagement results in a democratization of data, ideas and the very social structure that can exercise power in the interest of all.
Anselm Kiefer Unveils a Preview of His 78-Foot Painting | Artnet News
The upcoming exhibition from Anselm Kiefer will be the first ever collaboration between the Van Gogh Museum and the Stedelijk Museum. microaggressions are subtle and often inadvertent messages sent to people of color by "well-intentioned" white people that are unaware of the hidden meanings sent to them. Basically, unconsciously acting with bias.
Microaggressions (e.g., a higher tendency to interrupt people of color who are speaking, ignoring input from people of color, or displaying cold or hostile nonverbal behaviors) manifest racism directly—so much so that some scholars and practitioners have begun using the term racial harassment, in place of microaggression, to convey the seriousness of their impact.
an aerial view of a body of water surrounded by trees
a woman standing on a rock near the ocean
silhouette of bird on lamp post