, genre: self-portrait, style: Realism, tags: male-portraits, famous-people, Boris-Kustodiev, completition: 1905.
https://uploads5.wikiart.org/images/boris-kustodiev/self-portrait-1905.jpgWriting is a way of making our thoughts stay. The mind is a complex system not even the greatest supercomputer by the time of this writing can stimulate, it wonders from idea to idea, memory to memory. They surface and disappear, if You don't capture them in writing, you may never see some of them again.
a group of drummers in red and yellow outfits
- Despite significant progress, it is important to be aware that gender inequality still exists.
- Women are still discriminated against, and many aren’t aware of the ongoing bias.
- Women are noticeably absent from leadership positions.
- Whether it’s due to childhood learned bias or motherhood, many women tend to be less committed to pursuing leadership positions.
Example: Only 4% of Fortune 500 company CEOs are women even though women outperform men in pre-professional academic settings.
I could stand here and challenge fate
With no one else but you
Is it all worth the wait
Or will you just hurt me too
I’ve learned to stand behind
Everything you’ve said
Just when everyone said
I should listen to them instead
You have put me on a pedestal
I’ll always call you king
You tell me I’m your angel
Let me fix your broken wing
I need to be complete
I need to take my chance
If our souls are meant to meet
Lets give them the chance to dance
Danyon L. Youngs
- Whatever your medium of publication, the first five seconds make or break the interest of the reader.
- Good ideas are easy to write, and if the idea isn’t a good one, there is a likelihood of a writer’s block.
- Two decades ago, reading a complete book was easier as there were fewer distractions. Smartphones have made people infinitely distracted due to the constant ‘dopamine hits’ it offers. One has to keep the dwindling attention span of people in mind while writing.
- Brevity is King.
- One has to be ruthless in the destruction of bad writings.
— René Magritte https://t.co/z982rcVpNO
Writing improves in direct ratio to the number of things we can keep out of it that shouldn’t be there.
Consider all the prepositions that are draped onto verbs that don’t need any help. Examine every word you put on paper. You’ll find a surprising number that doesn’t serve any purpose.